Air Cushion Transport for Coating LinesVenturi Conveyors

Air Cushion Transport: Precise, Fast and Reliable

Maximum productivity in coating lines is achieved with the innovative Venturi air cushion transport system. This system uses air jets to create a consistent air cushion, allowing the sheet to glide almost contact-free over the conveyors. Two narrow vacuum belts ensure precise transport and synchronized transfer to the subsequent conveyor. Thanks to the elimination of format adjustments, setup times are significantly reduced.

Venturi equipment is available for:

  • Coating machine delivery
  • Transport bridge
  • Loading machine
  • Unloading machine

Brochure Sheet Handling Systems
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  • Reliable and precise conveyance of metal sheets
  • Minimized sheet contact to conveyor table
  • Synchronous and slip-reduced transfer
  • Reduced set-up times
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